
Wednesday 9 December 2015

Everything has changed

"You can't start a new chapter in your life if you keep re-reading the last one" -un

I'm pretty sure that most of us have gone through difficult times in life. Well that is normal for us normal human beings, yes?😊 I know it's hard and not everyone sticks around by you at this point of life.
But remember, there will always be that oneee particular person whom hangs around, whom actually listens to your rants and problems, someone who genuinely cares about you, that makes you feel that warmth in your heart.
Now some of you may argue on this but you never know who really truly cares about you. They may show it or may not. Just trust me on this, someone, somewhere in this world loves and cares for you🌹
Never ever ever lose faith, alright?😊 always look on the bright side of things😆😇
If things ever gets difficult for you, it's okay to break down and cry but it's also important for you to get back up and start fresh! Believe that you are capable of changing things in your life and controlling what happens in your life. You can plan your way of living, and that would mean cute planners and colourful pens by your side all year long! Decorate it with washi tapes & glitter tapes, add stickers and all that jazz! Bring the fun to it!!🎈
Don't ever let your past haunt you. Past is past, things change through out the year and let 'em stay as your memories. Let go of the things that bring you down but keep them in your memory box. So one day, you can go through them and proudly say, "you tried pulling me down but i'm stronger". Or something like that, i don't know 😜
Point is, things may change, it may be hard, it may be tough but life goes on, you know?😊 keep your head up🌹

Saturday 10 October 2015

Go for it!

"Only you know what feels right, and only you can act upon it" -Zoella

I definitely agree. Remember girls & boys, don't let anyone tell you what & what not to do. It all depends on you, your heart & yourself😊 follow what your heart says with the intention to be positive & to spread positivity. There's nothing better than having positive people around you, am i right?
Take your time to distance yourself from people & have the time to think. Decide what you want to do & plan what you are going to do.

Be true to yourself and you will end up happy. You deserve to spread your wings & fly around the world.

It's a world full of adventures and oppurtunities. Dream as high as you can and chase them. I have to agree, everything starts from a dream, right? That's what my dad always say hehehe. Dream, dream & dream.

It doesn't matter if you want to be a famous artist, a professional writer, a specialist or a rich producer, go for it!

If it makes you happy, don't let anyone or anything stop you.

Monday 5 October 2015

Be true and be you

"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later." -Og Mandino

The quote says it all. You must ALWAYS do your best in every single thing you do. It doesn't matter if it's successful or not. The most important thing is you give it all in, be true and be passionate. Don't worry about the outcome but focus on the plant you're planting. If you plant it with love & patience, it will grow beautifully. Have faith and think positive. You have done your best so you have nothing to worry about. I assure you, you will feel good and happy when you do your best & give 100% effort :)