
Friday 30 December 2016

Dreams and Secrets // #2

"Do more of what makes you happy" -un

Del is definitely not an idle dreamer. She has always been that little girl who imagines herself flying to the moon with her non-adventurous family. She is always captain and her family members would listen and reluctantly follow her instructions. Yes, including the stubborn Ren and Zinnia. -so she thought.

Her biggest dream is to change the way people think of themselves. In this huge and ghastly world, everyone tends to judge every part of their own mind and body. They have absolutely no mercy on their mental and physical health and condition. Judgement, fear and hate had taken over them. Petrified is an understatement. Del hates the negative society more than anything. She mutters to herself, why is negativity celebrated as if it's a good thing? Why isn't anyone getting what i'm feeling? Can't they see what is happening to the world? Where is the love? 

As a teenager, there is no escaping from insecurities and jealousy. No one could deny that but how can one be so cruel to themselves? That is one thing Del could not understand. She wants to help other people go through their hardships but she is just too........scared. Particularly, she wants to help Joanna, her neighbour. Although she has never spoken to Joanna, Del follows her on twitter. She knows what Joanna is going through is not pretty at all.

Del is nowhere near good at expressing her feelings and thoughts to anyone. She never knows what to say to console her upset friends. Nodding, 'mhmmm' , 'i understand' , 'i'm sorry to hear that' are the only response from her. Eventhough she writes on her blog every now and then, she doesn't seem to know how to reassure or give advices to them.

7 years of friendship with an advocate like Del does not mean you know her all too well. You can sit beside her in class for 2 years and not know what she is genuinely passionate about. You can try digging secrets from her but not about herself. In Calla's case, she has been friends with Del ever since they were toddlers. Del still hasn't told Calla that she has a blog. (I know, right??)

Other than her blog, Del has a huge secret. Delphinium Rose is secretly a potion maker. She does not make potions for a living, but for emergencies. I am aware and yes, it is utterly ridiculous for one to create potions in their sleep; but that is just how it is. Everytime she dreams of mixing potions, the mixes will appear in her cupboard the next morning. Weird, i know. Del was also confused at first until one night, Master Sam George explained everything to Del in her dream. It does not make any sense at all but it is not a problem to Del. She enjoys mixing chemicals and organic plants in her sleep. Besides, it gives ideas and helps Del create amazing contents for her blog.

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