
Friday 30 September 2016

Annual PRS Party #prsparty16

"Put yourself out there. Seize the moment" -nnana

Ola assalamu'alaikum ya asdiqa' ! ♡
I know I have been M.I.A for many many months now but i'm back with another exciting post!
Side note: Sorry in advance for the errors & the annoyingly long post.

Let's get started!
So I spent my last sunday in September 2016 attending a very very very special event; an event that i have been waiting to attend since i joined the prs community in high school. The Annual PRS Party🎉

Honestly, it felt really weird not planning an event or activity for the first time in a few years (in our community). My nosey self just had to know what the f4s were planning. I could not help myself, I wanted to help. Of course, they only told me the """surface"""" of the planning😂

A few weeks before the party, Asila told me I had to give a speech. At first, I was reluctant but I wanted to challenge myself. Only Allah knows how extremely nervous I was! It was terrifying, eventhough it wasn't the first time I had to speak infront of everyone. There was something about the party that made my adrenaline rush.

  Exactly a week before the party, my eyes were infected & It was not good. At that point, the f5s haven't figured out what to do for our performance so I panicked. Luckily, my friends were very helpful! They had meetings and meetings and meetings whilst I was lying in bed, watching tv. After 12 days of not going to school, I finally had the chance to see my friends & socialise. (Yea i felt like i was in a cave since trials started)
I joined the meeting & it felt great! We went for DIKIR BARAT wooooo. Our meetings were filled with laughter & joy, eventhough there were ups and downs. That's life, no? So grateful for the outgoing friends I have ♡ To my surprise, when I got home from school that Thursday, my voice was GONE & I had a fever. I whatsapped the vice president and told her I may not be able to give the speech on sunday. I sent her the draft of my speech & lent her my trust. I won't lie, it was a bummer. I really wanted to give the speech myself.


My family and I went out for breakfast that morning. I was too nervous for the day that I didn't eat much. So I decided to head home to ease myself. My sis went to her friend's house to get ready, my pa was at kgns for  a club championship tournament. He won men's champhionship nett category!!! My ma & bro also went to kgns for the bro's golf lesson. He too is hitting balls with handicap 34!
While getting ready, I blasted to HSM songs to pump up and shake away the anxiety. Since I was home alone, no one was there to stop me from singing and dancing.
After thinking for a while, I finally made up my mind. I wanted to give the speech. despite my groggy voice. I reached for my phone and rang Asila & Syafiyya to tell them the news. I also told them that I wanted Syafiyya to come on stage as well!
So then I prepared my very looong speech (trust me they know) and waited for Aina & Raihanah to come.. I sang the whole journey to the Hotel cse I was too nervous!


Now the party won't start till i walk in........jk

As I walked through the entrance, I was mildly astonished. The hall was beautifully decorated. It felt like a fairytale. I felt like a princess without the tiara and gown. The glittery goods were definitely in me and the flowers undoubtedly bloomed. From that moment I knew.. the magic was about to happen!
The party started off with Mukhlis, Akmal, Nidhal & Ammar K performing. They had their sunnies on & their confidence shone. The boys were cool and their performances tickled our hearts. Wait what happened next? I kind of forgot.....HAHA. All I remember rn is I was SOOOOOOO nervous and hyper. Sedar sedar, I had to go on stage.. it went well alhamdulillah! It was very informal but at least I showed them my true self. Throughout the event, I embarrassed myself on stage but I had the time of my life! It's my senior year, why should I hold myself back, right? I have no regrets hehe.

List of embarrassing moments at the party;
1) my opening for the speech
2) juniors looking at me weirdly
3) the waiter saw me singing
4) my sash slipped off of my shoulder on stage
5) my very ugly photos in most of the slideshows
6) running on stage with no shoes
7) danced on stage for a game
And the list goes on..........yay :-)

Not to forget, all form5s received our very own certificate of appreciation, flowers & sashes. It was overwhelming. They titled us as Miss Independent, Miss Charismatic, Most Amusing, Most Chilled, Class Clown, Miss Sweet, & many more! They made us feel extra special that day hihi.

I would like to thank the team that has been planning for 8 months for this amazing event! Couldn't ask for more hihi. You guys absolutely spoiled us! Congratulations f4s ♡

P/s: for photos & videos from the party, look up the hashtag #prsparty16 or check out our instagram & twitter, @prsmwt

Have a great day everyone, assalamu'alaikum xo

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