
Thursday 25 May 2017

Confidence is key!

"When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you."-  Lao Tzu

Since most of us are enrolling in university and college, I feel like it is only right for me to write something along the lines of confidence.

Growing up, I come to realize that I am a straightforward person. I ask when I'm curious, and I say when I feel the need to. Notwithstanding, I hardly get to voice out my thoughts in public. The reason being is that my confidence level is not as high as you think it is.
For those of you who may know my position in school would probably think "Umm no fy, that's not true." "What?? You speak in front of so many people every other week".  For you, yes you reading this might think "but Afiqah you have a blog and you write freely. What are you on about??"
Friends of the internet, I am here to share my experiences and feelings.

Confidence; belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance.

I like to think that Disney has helped me shape the me I am today. Some of you may know by now that I am a big Disney fan, especially Disney princesses. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret but you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone..

Ever since I was small, even before kindergarten, I have always been a professional singer and dancer. Well, realistically I thought I was a pretty decent performer. I would sing and dance to Disney Princesses' songs, Air Supply, Westlife, Abba, Si Gadis Ayu, Mawi, Sandarkan pada kenangan, HSM songs, Camp Rock songs, et cetera.

My inner Hannah Montana shone brighter than ever when I was younger. I had the best years of my Hannah life. Well, I am not gonna lie.. I am still living the best of both worlds.. sshhh. Trust me, I have recordings of my performances from when I was little till.. hm, for me to know and for you to find out 😉

Singing and dancing are definitely the two things that help me boost my confidence till this day. TALENT. (cc: cupcake aisyah fans)

It's safe to say that my confidence level has been on a roller coaster ride throughout high school. Most probably the "rock 'n' roller coaster" or the "hair raiser". I would not say that I was my best self in high school. I was an ordinary girl trying to get over separations with friends, a weak girl trying to block away mean and insulting people, an emotional girl trying to balance her school work and social life, a confused girl trying to find herself. High school was definitely a struggle but guess what? I graduated, she graduated, he graduated and YOU will too!

On that note, after graduating high school, I figured I would use the time I had to genuinely take care of myself; To learn and cherish my mind and body. 


Reminiscing the old times. The first week of holiday, I took my time and went through all of my polaroid pictures. It brought so many unforgettable memories. Some photos made me laugh and some made me cry. After months of studying, my hands were itching to create something creative. Hence, my scrapbook. I posted a few boomerangs of some pages from the scrapbook before so hehe.
Looking at the polaroid pictures made me realize that we can't have everything we want and life is not always picture-perfect. People come and go. That is one thing I need to install in my memory banks. Till this day, I still could not accept the fact that some people leave for the better. 
However, the events that happened made me stronger. I grew to be more independent and wiser. From that day, I decided to change my mindset and stop stumbling over something that is behind me. I taught myself to be more promising and encouraging for the better me. I was determined that I would not dwell on the past and start moving forward. I was sure that It was time for me to believe in myself and not depend on other people as much as I used to. I am proud to say that I have definitely proved my past self right. I am feeling better than ever.

Figuring out my passion. This was the trickiest thing to accomplish. I am one of those people who gets bored way too easily. I used to join piano classes but after 2 or 3 grades, I lost interest. Then, I tried out art classes but gave up after a few months. If you read my 'must haves and essentials' blog post, you would know that I used to hate reading. Surprisingly, as I grew older, I learned to love and enjoy reading. I would stay in bed all day and read a book or two which is so unlike me. Eventually, I lost interest in reading. It has been a few weeks since I last finished a book in one seating (or three days).

Writing. Blogging. I. Love. It. I am absolutely elated to share my thoughts and imaginations with you reading this. I started blogging a few years back, but I have never had the guts to make it public. I also used to write fiction on WattPad but I gave up after 4 episodes or so. Truth be told, it took me more than 3 years to gather and build my confidence to share my blog with the world. Cehhhhh. So, to those of you who thinks I am assertive, girl, it takes a lot of time and energy. Sending virtual enormous hugs, kisses and love to everyone who helped me be the person I am today. For supporting and encouraging. xoxo.

Clearly, I slacked and stopped blogging for a while.. but hey! I'm still here, right?

Wholly, I suppose that my passion is to discover new passions and be enthusiastic about it. To explore and try new exhilarating things. The adventure and new experiences make me more confident and sure of myself.
"Keep finding yourself and keep moving forward." Something I remind myself every single day.

Spread positivity. Radiate upbeat vibes. Easy to say, hard to preach. For the sake of more optimistic, thoughtful and understanding individuals, In the span of a week; 

How many times do we smile at a stranger? How many times do we compliment our neighbours? How many times do we check on our friends? How many times do we show gratitude to our family? How many times do we forgive another human being? How many times do we symphatize and emphatize our colleague? How many times do we tell ourselves that we are capable of so much more? 

I am leaving you on that note. I really hope you enjoyed reading and gained a lil somethin' somethin'. Till my next entry, ttfn, tata for now! hihihi. (cc: tiger from my friends tiger and pooh)

🎤  Raise your hands up in the air and scream! We're finding our voice, following our dreams 🎤



  1. Love to read more and more from your blog on regarding the daily basis. Specially post on college student's life

    1. The problem is I don't really know how to share personal experiences directly. Not without infusing fiction elements, that is. No worries, I definitely will try my best. Thank you so much for suggesting & have a lovely weekend! :) x
