
Friday 30 December 2016

Dreams and Secrets // #2

"Do more of what makes you happy" -un

Del is definitely not an idle dreamer. She has always been that little girl who imagines herself flying to the moon with her non-adventurous family. She is always captain and her family members would listen and reluctantly follow her instructions. Yes, including the stubborn Ren and Zinnia. -so she thought.

Her biggest dream is to change the way people think of themselves. In this huge and ghastly world, everyone tends to judge every part of their own mind and body. They have absolutely no mercy on their mental and physical health and condition. Judgement, fear and hate had taken over them. Petrified is an understatement. Del hates the negative society more than anything. She mutters to herself, why is negativity celebrated as if it's a good thing? Why isn't anyone getting what i'm feeling? Can't they see what is happening to the world? Where is the love? 

As a teenager, there is no escaping from insecurities and jealousy. No one could deny that but how can one be so cruel to themselves? That is one thing Del could not understand. She wants to help other people go through their hardships but she is just too........scared. Particularly, she wants to help Joanna, her neighbour. Although she has never spoken to Joanna, Del follows her on twitter. She knows what Joanna is going through is not pretty at all.

Del is nowhere near good at expressing her feelings and thoughts to anyone. She never knows what to say to console her upset friends. Nodding, 'mhmmm' , 'i understand' , 'i'm sorry to hear that' are the only response from her. Eventhough she writes on her blog every now and then, she doesn't seem to know how to reassure or give advices to them.

7 years of friendship with an advocate like Del does not mean you know her all too well. You can sit beside her in class for 2 years and not know what she is genuinely passionate about. You can try digging secrets from her but not about herself. In Calla's case, she has been friends with Del ever since they were toddlers. Del still hasn't told Calla that she has a blog. (I know, right??)

Other than her blog, Del has a huge secret. Delphinium Rose is secretly a potion maker. She does not make potions for a living, but for emergencies. I am aware and yes, it is utterly ridiculous for one to create potions in their sleep; but that is just how it is. Everytime she dreams of mixing potions, the mixes will appear in her cupboard the next morning. Weird, i know. Del was also confused at first until one night, Master Sam George explained everything to Del in her dream. It does not make any sense at all but it is not a problem to Del. She enjoys mixing chemicals and organic plants in her sleep. Besides, it gives ideas and helps Del create amazing contents for her blog.

Sunday 25 December 2016

A Day In My Life // #1

"Find yourself, be kind, read books & stay positive" -DR♡

"Careful Del, you don't want to waste a single drop of it," whispered Calla, as Del poured the remaining rosewater onto the chameleon skin. 
"I hope our plan works. Give me the cloak," "Quick, they are coming!" Cried Calla. Both Del and Calla rubbed the cloak on their skin, praying that the giants could not see them.

[8.00 a.m.]

"Aww man, why did you have to wake me up? I was about to see if the potion worked. At least wait after the giants leave," groaned Delphinium, not realising her phone is not human.

[8.09 a.m.]
Finally getting out of bed, Del went straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth, cleanse her face and moisturize her skin. This is the part where Del reminds herself that she does not own any makeup. The 17 year old girl has been dreaming of becoming a makeup artist but she does not even know how to blend foundation, lol.

[8.30 a.m.]
Slipping her feet into her pink fuzzy slippers, Del walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Eventhough every birthday she wishes for her breakfast to be ready, it never seems to come true. Every morning, Del makes breakfast for her brothers as well. "Cheese toast for them, egg toast for me. Perfect."

[10.00 a.m.]
This part of the morning is Delphinium's favourite. Something about doing house chores makes her feel incredible. I guess it's the satisfaction of getting things done, Haha. Whilst cleaning up after her brothers and washing their dirty clothes, Del came across an article on google.

"It is official. Household chores are a bona fide way to chill out." Reported stuff.co.nz

"I'm not crazy!!! I'm normal!!!" Exclaimed D.Rose.

[12.01 p.m.]
*twitter, instagram, snapchat, youtube, yummly, twitter, whatsapp, instagram, youtube, snapchat* *lunch, yaas*

[3.09 p.m.]
Like any other normal teenage girl, it's that time of day to browse online and window shop. (!!!) It is amusing for one to virtually window shop every single day but never add anything to her cart. For a person who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, Del has never asked for anything from her parents. Every other ordinary human being would burn their parents' pockets if they were in Del's spot. #guilty

[5.30 p.m.]
Once again, dolphin girl makes her way to the kitchen and makes herself a cup of warm strawberry black tea. Only two teaspoons of sugar, please. No creamer. Delphinium is somehow really odd. She only drinks tea from a cup she bought with her own money at the age of ten. It is quite exquisite with the gold sparkly details around the rim of the cup.

[5.45 p.m.]
Time to get cozy under her blue Princess Aurora blanket and read a wonderful book. At the moment, Del is reading 'everything, everything' by Nicola Yoon. She is only on page 92 but it's safe to say that she is liking Olly and Maddy's friendship.

Del definitely wants to be a pretty fairytale ghost spy princess.

[7.59 p.m.]
The smell of grilled garlic chicken made Del's tummy rumble. It has been a few hours since she last had a proper meal. She could eat a horse.
"No electronics on the table, please." "We're sorry mum, just a second" giggled Zinnia and Ren, Del's younger brothers.

[9.02 p.m.]
As the stars welcome Del to the calming hours, Del reached for her trusty pilot mechanical pencil and wrote down her blogpost ideas in her floral patterned notebook. As usual, her brain raced with brilliant new ideas.

[10.43 p.m.]
It was time for D.Rose to get some shut-eye. Good night beautiful world, hope to see you in the day light.

Friday 30 September 2016

Annual PRS Party #prsparty16

"Put yourself out there. Seize the moment" -nnana

Ola assalamu'alaikum ya asdiqa' ! ♡
I know I have been M.I.A for many many months now but i'm back with another exciting post!
Side note: Sorry in advance for the errors & the annoyingly long post.

Let's get started!
So I spent my last sunday in September 2016 attending a very very very special event; an event that i have been waiting to attend since i joined the prs community in high school. The Annual PRS Party🎉

Honestly, it felt really weird not planning an event or activity for the first time in a few years (in our community). My nosey self just had to know what the f4s were planning. I could not help myself, I wanted to help. Of course, they only told me the """surface"""" of the planning😂

A few weeks before the party, Asila told me I had to give a speech. At first, I was reluctant but I wanted to challenge myself. Only Allah knows how extremely nervous I was! It was terrifying, eventhough it wasn't the first time I had to speak infront of everyone. There was something about the party that made my adrenaline rush.

  Exactly a week before the party, my eyes were infected & It was not good. At that point, the f5s haven't figured out what to do for our performance so I panicked. Luckily, my friends were very helpful! They had meetings and meetings and meetings whilst I was lying in bed, watching tv. After 12 days of not going to school, I finally had the chance to see my friends & socialise. (Yea i felt like i was in a cave since trials started)
I joined the meeting & it felt great! We went for DIKIR BARAT wooooo. Our meetings were filled with laughter & joy, eventhough there were ups and downs. That's life, no? So grateful for the outgoing friends I have ♡ To my surprise, when I got home from school that Thursday, my voice was GONE & I had a fever. I whatsapped the vice president and told her I may not be able to give the speech on sunday. I sent her the draft of my speech & lent her my trust. I won't lie, it was a bummer. I really wanted to give the speech myself.


My family and I went out for breakfast that morning. I was too nervous for the day that I didn't eat much. So I decided to head home to ease myself. My sis went to her friend's house to get ready, my pa was at kgns for  a club championship tournament. He won men's champhionship nett category!!! My ma & bro also went to kgns for the bro's golf lesson. He too is hitting balls with handicap 34!
While getting ready, I blasted to HSM songs to pump up and shake away the anxiety. Since I was home alone, no one was there to stop me from singing and dancing.
After thinking for a while, I finally made up my mind. I wanted to give the speech. despite my groggy voice. I reached for my phone and rang Asila & Syafiyya to tell them the news. I also told them that I wanted Syafiyya to come on stage as well!
So then I prepared my very looong speech (trust me they know) and waited for Aina & Raihanah to come.. I sang the whole journey to the Hotel cse I was too nervous!


Now the party won't start till i walk in........jk

As I walked through the entrance, I was mildly astonished. The hall was beautifully decorated. It felt like a fairytale. I felt like a princess without the tiara and gown. The glittery goods were definitely in me and the flowers undoubtedly bloomed. From that moment I knew.. the magic was about to happen!
The party started off with Mukhlis, Akmal, Nidhal & Ammar K performing. They had their sunnies on & their confidence shone. The boys were cool and their performances tickled our hearts. Wait what happened next? I kind of forgot.....HAHA. All I remember rn is I was SOOOOOOO nervous and hyper. Sedar sedar, I had to go on stage.. it went well alhamdulillah! It was very informal but at least I showed them my true self. Throughout the event, I embarrassed myself on stage but I had the time of my life! It's my senior year, why should I hold myself back, right? I have no regrets hehe.

List of embarrassing moments at the party;
1) my opening for the speech
2) juniors looking at me weirdly
3) the waiter saw me singing
4) my sash slipped off of my shoulder on stage
5) my very ugly photos in most of the slideshows
6) running on stage with no shoes
7) danced on stage for a game
And the list goes on..........yay :-)

Not to forget, all form5s received our very own certificate of appreciation, flowers & sashes. It was overwhelming. They titled us as Miss Independent, Miss Charismatic, Most Amusing, Most Chilled, Class Clown, Miss Sweet, & many more! They made us feel extra special that day hihi.

I would like to thank the team that has been planning for 8 months for this amazing event! Couldn't ask for more hihi. You guys absolutely spoiled us! Congratulations f4s ♡

P/s: for photos & videos from the party, look up the hashtag #prsparty16 or check out our instagram & twitter, @prsmwt

Have a great day everyone, assalamu'alaikum xo

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Those days, yes

"Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be" -Dr Wayne W. Dyer

It has definitely been a rocky ride. I don't know how to put it in words but it's a bumpy start for the year. We're only 5 weeks into 2016 and i am already feeling so much pressure. I honestly don't know how it's possible for one to feel this way..
Nevertheless, How's 2016 for you? So far so good? I hope all is well
If it's a roller coaster (i feel you), we're all in this together sister 

It feels like forever since i last updated so today i feel like writing a two-way post. Although i'm 100% positive that nobody will read this, it's worth the shot kan, as long as i'm happy 
I've been wanting to write this post since December but.. things happen
Sooooooo, what's your idea of a relaxing day? Or what do you do when you need a day off? 
Personally, the first thing i like to do is take a shower and freshen up. Then, i always find myself spending a few minutes (maybe ten) to just choose a face mask to wear. I'd be lying if i said i hate masks! Let's be real, everybody loves a good face mask, right?
Yes, OF COURSE i have to watch youtube videos whilst having a scary yet relaxing mask on my face.

Now, what's yourrrr favourite thing to do after a shower? & who's your fav youtuber? Zoe, if you couldn't tell already is my fav. She's amazing in so many ways. And ofc a lot of other youtubers who deserves to be mentioned.
PointlessBlog (duhh), NiomiSmart, MeredithFoster, MyLifeAsEva, NikkiPhillipi & more (if i had to list all my favs, a post won't be enough hehe)

After 20 mins or so of watching haul videos & makeup tutos, i like to check my twitter, instagram & snapchat. Yeah basically the stress-free-apps
I usually, head on to my parents' room and watch some good 'ol cop shows while folding clothes. It may sound weird but honestly it feels great to get my chores done. ESPECIALLY while watching my favourite programmes hehehe. I am currently watching 'Unforgettable' , which is about a former cop who remembers literally EVERYTHING, and went through a rough breakup. One day, surprise surprise! Her ex was working on a crime which she happens to be the witness for. Haa tengok la if nak tahu lagiiii hehehe

LIST OF SHOWS YOU NEED TO WATCH (my top must-see list);

1) Castle
2) NCIS: New Orleans
3) Crisis
4) The Mentalist
5) CSI: Cyber

Ok ok ok ok ok bila dah tengok nanti let me know what you think!!

Well, we all have those days where you just feel lazy to socialize & just feel rather.. anxious to be around people, right? You just feel like being lost in your own world all alone, and have a cup of warm tea. Yes that's when all the great books come in i highhhhly recommend THE LAST PRINCESS BY GALAXY CRAZE. It's the first ever book that i've read and finished it in just a day. What's so special about it is firstly, i'm not a bookworm, i don't like reading books especially novels, but the book got me hooked. It's so thrilling that a lazybum like me actually made time to read it till the end. I normally read books halfway or just a few chapters. So coming from me, i just- well i suggest you give this book a try! Definitely worth your time
Do recommend more books for me to read hehehe (Please be books that are not overrated and has a great twist and please not the lovey dovey novels, thank you)

And that my friends, are my ideas of a relaxing day. What's yours?